Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm sleeping in tomorrow... till as late as I possibly can before my body wakes me up and tells me that I have to pee. That always happens too... stupid bladder.

I'm hoping to catch up on sleep. I guess my night terrors have kicked back on, and in full force. My sister says that every night this week I've been really active; talking, crying, screaming, etc. No wonder I'm so tired... I'm not actually sleeping; i'm running a marathon.
Stress, I'm pretty sure. Stress due to unresolved issues. Whatev.

On a happier note, I passed the practical exam for my CPR/AED course, and I'm pretty sure I passed the written part; though I wont know about that until Monday. But, I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Sooo yeah, I can do CPR in a couple different ways on adults, children, and infants. I can also use an AED (automated external defibrulator) to jump start your heart with an electric shock. I can also help choking victims- adults, children, and infants. And yes, there are differences in all three.
One step closer to being an EMT. I can't wait.

Alright, I'm going to bed now.

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